Domestic Violence Lawyers
The Domestic Violence Act was established to protect victims of violence in relationships considered “domestic.” These relationships can include:
People living together
People in a dating relationship
People that share a child
Domestic violence offenses include:
Harassment - non-stop texts, phone calls showing up
Unauthorized AirTags, GPS tracking
Terroristic threats
Simple assault
Sexual assault
Threatening to, or releasing sex tapes on the internet or to an ex’s family, work or friends
The law provides for both civil and criminal relief / penalties. On the civil side, a person can request a family court to issue a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) if and until a Superior Court Judge decides whether a permanent final restraining order (FRO) is necessary. On the criminal side, an accuser (or the police) may press criminal charges for the act of domestic violence alleged to have been committed.
Consequences of A domestic violence cASE
If a temporary restraint order (TRO) is issued, an accused can be barred from any direct or indirect contact with the person requesting the TRO, barred from his own home, and the ability to see their own children. A Superior Court family judge decides at a testimonial hearing if the temporary restraining order should remain in effect forever based upon the facts, circumstances and allegations. If the accused party were to violate the TRO, he or she could be charged with the criminal charge of contempt. If the accused were to be found guilty of contempt, he or she could be sentenced to jail, fines and a criminal record. If a final restraining order (FRO) is issued, unlike most states, in New Jersey the FRO lasts forever. Other consequences may include:
restriction from entering or remaining in certain locations
removal of firearms
revocation of firearms identification cards
name will be placed in a national registry
fingerprints taken an placed in a databank
immediate child support imposed
no contact with your own children unless permitted by the court
referral to child protective services
reimbursement of the other party’s attorneys fees
weeks domestic violence counseling
drug & alcohol evaluation
Given the seriousness of these consequences, it is important to have a knowledgeable and experienced defense team on your side. Call today to get the help that you need.