Penalties for a FIRST DWI NJSA 39:4-50
.08 or .09 or no reading (39:4-50)
90 days suspension or up until interlock device installed - minimum interlock period 90-days;
12 hours at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center;
Between $250 and $400 in fines.;
A $1,000 annual automobile insurance surcharge for three years;
Other fees and surcharges in excess of $525.
.10 to .14 (39:4-50)
1st Offense with 7 months to 12 month suspension or up until interlock device installed-minimum interlock device 7 months;
12 hours at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center;
Between $250 and $400 in fines;
A $1,000 annual automobile insurance surcharge for three years;
Other fees and surcharges in excess of $525.
.15 or higher (39:4-50)
4-6 month suspensions (must install interlock device during the suspension);
Interlock device for a period of between 9 months and 15 months;
12 hours at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center;
Substance abuse assessment and requirement to follow recommendations;
Between $250 and $400 in fines;
A $1,000 annual automobile insurance surcharge for three years;
Other fees and surcharges in excess of $525.
Refusing to Provide a Breath Sample (39:4-50.4a)
Interlock device for a period of between 9 months and 15 months or driver’s license suspension for that time period.
12 hours at the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center;
Between $250 and $400 in fines;
A $1,000 annual automobile insurance surcharge for three years;
Other fees and surcharges in excess of $525.