Under the new law (2019), first offenders under 0.15 don't have to wait months to get their license restored. Officially known as a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID), once installed a motorist can visit the Motor Vehicle Commission immediately after their conviction and begin the process of getting their license restored. In a .08 to .15, or refusal situation, if found guilty you will be suspended, you will need to immediately install an interlock device, go the MVC (5 business days after the court orders the suspension) with proof of installation and your privileges to drive will be restored, you will be issued a new license which will state "interlock" on the face of the driver's license.
Essentially the interlock device requires a motorist to blow into the device, assuming the motorist blows a BAC under the limit set by the device, the car will start. If over the set limit of a .05 BAC, the car will not start and will not let the motorist attempt to blow for another hour. Once the car starts, you will be required to blow again every 15-minutes. There is no "standard" make or model of interlock required by the state of NJ at the present time.
How much does it cost?
The driver leases the device from the vendor for about $75 to $100 per month and also pays for installation. The MVC maintains a list of authorized ignition interlock vendors and service centers that are certified to install them.
It is also not clear at the present time what BAC limit will trigger the interlock device. If while driving you blow over the BAC limit set in the device, the device will prompt you to stop the car. If the car is not stopped within the set time period, the device will activate the car's horn and exterior lights to blink off and on - to alert other motorists and the police - the car is not supposed to automatically shut off. If you have more than two violations prior to the end of your interlock period, this will be reported and your ability to obtain an unrestricted license may be delayed.
ARE THEY SAFE and Reliable?
The interlock device must be calibrated every 30-to-60 days depending upon the manufacturer. At this time the technician will download all of the stored blows and violations. Motorists should be aware that since the interlock devices are "leased" many of them are equipped with GPS tracking devices. Many manufactures claim that this is a "bonus feature" which "Doubles as theft prevention for vehicle." However, given that this device is supposed to check for BAC, coupled with the fact that a motorist will be required to take one eyes off the road and at least one hand off the wheel - to provide a sample, it is this author's belief that this device and the data stored therein could be used against a motorist in the event of an accident or in the event that the motorist attempts to sue the interlock manufacturer for failing to stop them from drinking and driving or for causing them to have an accident because they were distracted.
Even out-of-state drivers with out-of-state vehicles must show NJ-MVC proof that the interlock device was/is installed on the car(s) if they request that their NJ driving privileges be restored after the suspension period is over. (It should be noted that certain states may have restrictions on altering or adding equipment to car ignitions, and therefore the installation or use of the interlock may violate the law in ones home state).